Why Consider A Personal Stylist?

Considering having a personal stylist doesn’t mean you have bad taste in clothing. Although most women can easily be inspired for their outfits and simply have outfit that looks like its straight from a fashion magazine, majority of people including myself truly struggle with trying to wear outfits that are considered more out there. There are so many instances that we really can use a fashion stylist to take the edge off, whether it is giving us the confidence we need or simply helping us step outside of our usual style. Here are 3 reasons you should consider a personal stylist.

Saving up time and effort

We have all heard at some point on our lives that “time is money”. This also includes the two hours we take pulling all our entire wardrobe out because we simply don’t have the right outfit for the r the Business partners you have to make a good impression on or that great interview you finally landed. Having your own stylist can make a major difference in your life by helping you save up your time and helping you explore more into types of fashion you will love.

Unbiased Feedback

Of course when you walk into a shop you will be flocked with “assistant buyers and stylists” that simply claim to have your best interests at heart. But of course we know this is not the case since they will simply attempt to charm us into buying the product they will be getting the most commission for, regardless of whether it looks flattering or unflattering on our own personal figure. But with a trusted fashion stylist you can be sure to get an unbiased and honest opinion on your outfits as well as finding the fit that’s right just for you. Since your own stylist won’t rely on commission or brand promoting you can be sure that their loyalties lie with you.

Building up your confidence

Another great plus point of having your own personal stylist is that they help build up your own style and allows you to have the confidence that you need to rock every outfit you wear. Most image consultant Sydney rely 100% on the customers’ needs and wants. Such as if there is a pair of pants that the client really wants to pull off with confidence, the consultant will curate an outfit that will inspire the client to step outside the box and be confident in their new found style.Having a personal stylist is not always about choosing the right outfit for you but it revolves more around you having the support you need to be confident in yourself and what you wear every day. Whether you are recovering from a pregnancy or feeling depressed about your body shape it is important for you to find the confidence you need to believe in yourself and simply pull off and look amazing strutting in the pant suit you thought you would never be able to pull off.

Posted on: August 29, 2019Caitlin Whitelegge